Managers/ Supervisors


One of the things we recognized with out VA work is the fact that even the nicer or more evolved agents dont really or just couldn’t do client relationship effort that deals with making sure the client grows loyal, grows dependent and finds undeniable value to one's employment in $$$ terms.  Usually there is effort in making a relationship but more often that not- the relationship is not solidly based on financials. The goal in any client relationship should always have a financially beneficial base and then all the rest. We will start this relationship on work and its potential value to them. The last bond will always be $$$ value. That said - that would be your primary aspiration managing this.   You will need to break the following:

  1. Basically, just waiting out for the work to be handed out and while generally this is done with precision or with as much precision based on the instruction, it is more often not done with thought of the client’s benefit. This is a critical flaw especially when the client expectation is growth with the Admin Assistant or the VA.
  2. To be proactive, meaning get to find more work for more value to the client.  The major error with most Virtual assistants is taking in all the work they can see but not really see what will make  money or not. The most common measure, - what the client mentioned, and then  whatever else one sees thats easy. The priority should always be weighed. What is urgent for the client, and then for the rest of the work, in the order of priority of, what will make the client money and then the rest of the stuff.
  3. Having a general sense of the business direction which should be answerable with “Is the client making money off you?” because if this is answerable by NO, then we are very much in danger of cessation of work. In this instance,  go back to number 2. It is urgently advised that we find work in the clients’ spans of work that is deemed profitable and make it more so with clarity that it is your output delivering this.
  4. Then temper or manage the urge trying to make the most hours even when it isn’t very opportune with the client. When business is slow, generally the client expects cutting of hours which the VA generally cannot bear to do. Suggest doing so within reason vs having the client dictate an eventual reduction in hours you likely will not like and usually far bigger cut than expected

As a supervisor, your tasks are:

  • Clearly to make sure you connect with your client, and this is done making sure:
    • Beginning of day "hello" and EODS are done.
    • Midshift occassional spur of chatter to reinforce idea that you are working:
      • this can be as easy as update on what you are doing
      • clarification on the next things you are doing
      • going on break or stepping away from the computer 
    • Following the basic protocols of the client is done/executed, (either by you or the VA); nothing worse for a remote boss to feel something wasnt done and he/she cant tell if you worked at all. This makes all the more the communication item very very important
    • That additional chatter or relationship building by simply knowing the business more, talking to the client more – generally being in sync with the client with what the true goal of the VA is and delivering it. (Again, almost always it will be something to do with money generation)
    • To make sure priorities are set and paid attention to, you generally need to be setting up convos to keep this aligned and to make sure that it is being executed. Much easier to ask about your actual score if you have built the relationship so make sure you are doing the other thing to make asking the harder questions easier to say out
    • Think early on- if not doable, find the right time (early not late) to start discussing it and providing the changes or additional action you want done to make sure the goal is achieved.
    • Highlight progress and successes- this is often forgotten but more important, discuss problematic situations and make sure it is in the radar. 10% chance of failure should get discussed and then if it doesn’t happen- it would be a success story.
  • Smoothen performance: This is basically making sure at onset, our initial weeks relationship with the client, we show progression that is consistent, progressive and repeatable. We like to start low (either naturally or downplay it even when we actually start high, attribute it to luck until such a point we know why we are successful. - that’s number 3, repeatability) consistent needs no explanation (1) but progressive clearly defines that we should get better over time – for obvious reasons, we cant continue to be clueless to what we have been doing over and over.
    • Erring on the side of early success -many successes often even when it is not based on performance sometimes – we like to claim as ours, which eventually becomes a problem when this unexpected (since not founded on performance) isn’t repeatable after all and is just pure luck, should be touted as luck and celebrate,  it makes you claim the success, without attaching responsibility of it becoming a normal result. 
    • Filling up erratic absences (or trying to make it look harmless on the client side, make sure you act on it on the VA side)
    • Filtering downtimes and net issues (not too much of these as these alarm clients – so rather be absent than too much of these)
    • Filtering mistakes that become annoyingly pointing to idiocy or not following instructions or hardheadedness.
    • Filtering some of the things Virtual Assistants say that serves only to make us look unprofessional or inexperienced.​​​​​​​
  • Goal Management- have the sense to know if goals aren’t being met and seek help fast. Don’t let a client feel like we are useless and not contributing to the business. and most important being assertive enough to show the client that we know our business and we are experts in this and can provide intelligent actions (regardless of it being good for us or not personally) – this is something that should get discussed with me consistently though. Implications around too much change management means poor decisions in hiring and other things so consult to make sure these are all managed just right. Poor Performanc is bad news, missed targets the same. We hate bringing that to the client, but guess what. They know already far earlier than us - so bring it up when you know we will miss targets because then bringing up something like that means there is a corresponding action required. When you let them be in charge of that - you also naturally let them decide what should be the corresponding action action for the gap: Bring the bad news, have the chance to dictate the terms needed to improve:
    • Correcting or giving corrective action ahead of being called out - so many points won here when you own up issues and then try addressing it ahead of the client since the client will be left with no option but to agree and feel confident that action is already being handled. 
    • ​​​Sensitivity to the Business Standing - finding the balance to cut hours when needed and increase when warranted regardless of our loss then because it is important that we always look like we care for the overall business. (Or waive billable hours – because of no work or poor work- always consult with me because it doesn’t always mean no pay from the client, no pay for the agent)​​​​​​​
    • Removing the agent (replacing) vs losing the account. This drastic step is always better coming from our side vs the client asking for it.​​​​​​​
    • Dont forget - it may not always be us or the Virtual assistant, perhaps we just need more time or better tools. This is something that should never be left unattended once understood.
    • Consult with me, there are other things I would normally do like- invest more time or effort to make it successful i.e.. More hours, more people, other means etc. What is truly important is to keep the relationship for the long run - not short term.​​​​​​​
  • Finding means to grow the account based on trust, on the fact that we know our business and the idea  that we are there for them.


Its 5,000 pesos monthly for every month you keep the VA active.  Plan is to get you with 8 VAs  as downline as I advertise and chase again more jobs.  

The list may be long but it shouldn’t really be an issue because it really takes a few minutes a day unless the VA needs a lot of work, which means we may have chosen wrong. And you got to be up anyways. In some cases, you augment output to make us look good. In other cases you will barely do anything other than create a better connection with the client and keep eyes open for improvement or more business. And if it isnt, then we chose wrong. 

In some cases – especially the pure back office ones. We usually just have you “handle it” and have someone else do it where you are. I am saying this with varying degrees because the jobs i am chasing after are not all cold calling but more admin.

Good luck to us all and hope it all continues to pan out.

